I'm a lover of all things mysterious and magical, including religion, mythology, archaeology, natural history, space, computers, parapsychology, and string theory. I read everything from Dickens to Austen to Sheridan leFanu to Jim Butcher, and my secret fantasy is to listen to James Marsters explaining Shakespeare and Donne while dressed as Spike. In addition to urban fantasy, I loves steampunk and good ol’ fashioned vampire romance. I live in unabashed geeky glory in Connecticut with an annoyingly brilliant husband, two budding fangirls, a geriatric rabbit, four chickens, and a miniature pinscher that thinks it isn’t.
In addition to Discovering Ren and the sequels, I write a free romantic comedy/urban fantasy novel on Twitter. I LOVE hearing from readers, so be sure to ask questions, make suggestions, and let me know what you'd like to hear about.