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Omigosh, I wish I had one! It’s a sequel to my debut novel, Discovering Ren. That title came to me literally in the middle of the night. I actually woke up with this voice in my head saying, “Your book is called…” I’ve been waiting for that to happen again. So far, not yet, but I’m sure it will.
Where did the idea come from for the book?
As I said, it’s a sequel. The whole series is a retelling of an ancient Egyptian myth, the Isis-Osiris-Horus story. I’m writing one novel for each of those main characters. Discovering Ren was Isis. The current WIP is Osiris, and the next, you guessed it, will be Horus.
What genre does your book fall under?
I call it “urban fantasy with a Christian worldview.”
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Hmmm… mentally, I’ve cast either Kate Beckinsale or Rachel Weisz as Isadora. I’m not sure about Max. Someone unknown, maybe. He’s thin and dark haired, and has the sweetest eyes.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Discovering Ren: Is the next Isis worthy of her legacy of magic?
WIP: Can a reluctant king find the courage to stop a murderous ghost, save the world, and reclaim his throne?
Discovering Ren is available from Cogwheel Press (December 2012). I’m hoping they’ll sign the next title for release later this year!
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Oh, true confessions. It took a lot longer than I hoped/expected to write the first novel, mainly because I was interrupted by the arrival of a baby – twice! I even had this crazy idea that I would be able to finish it during my first six-week maternity leave. Not even close. I was about half done in June 2009 when I got serious about it, and I finished the first draft that December.
What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
That’s a really, really tough question. There are tons of urban fantasy novels, and even some with Christian themes, but I don’t know of another one that combines Egyptian magic with all of the above.
Who or What inspired you to write this book?
This is really silly, but it all started with a walk to my mailbox. I was having a bad day at work about some trouble I can’t even recall. My mailbox is at the end of our 100-foot driveway, and I remember walking down to get the mail thinking, “I should just quit and write a novel.” As I pulled the envelopes out of the box, I thought, I should just tell one of the great stories of antiquity. As I walked back up the driveway the idea for the whole series came to me. I dumped the mail on the counter, grabbed my laptop, and started writing. By the time my husband came home I had 20 pp written. All of that ended in the trash, incidentally, but I was on my way.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
Well, if you like magic, Egypt, mythology, werewolves, vampires, demonology, romance, action, and/or Christian theology, there’s something in my books for you! Oh, and I’m told I use “big” words. That seems funny to me, but more than one person has said it. So if you’re into expanding your vocabulary, you might check out my work.