Yesterday marked the 19th anniversary of my father-in-law's death. Today is my 22nd wedding anniversary. Bittersweet, again.
And I had these thoughts:
I'm not rich - indeed, I often wonder where the money's coming from to pay the bills. But I have a safe, comfortable place to live and sleep, and I never go hungry.
I'm not famous, but I have a published novel.
I'm not a trendsetter, but I have friends.
I'm not a supermodel, but I have beautiful children.
I struggle every day with impatience, imbalance, ineptitude, and inequality, but I have the love of God in Jesus Christ.
In fact, I'm blessed beyond measure. And I'm truly grateful. Being happy is an exercise in both choice, and seeing what's actually real and right before our eyes. Don't waste time wishing for what's out of reach, and in the end, just vanity.
Peace, everybody.